How to detect trips between geofences?

Article explains how to configure a calculator to detect trips between geofences.

This article explains how to configure a calculator to detect trips between geofences. The calculator will generate intervals for each trip that occurs when a device moves from one geofence to another.

Such a calculator can be used when you would like to set up some locations and control all the movements outside of these locations. For example:

  • Ships navigation between harbors

  • Courier trips between warehouses, bases and clients

  • Dump truck rides between a quarry and clients

  • Any vehicle movements outside of bases

To achieve this we will create a calculator, define the geometry of our bases and clients as geofences and assign these geofences to the device and/or calculator to track changes in real time.


The calculator configuration consists of one interval selector to detect when the device is outside of geofences and several interval counters to capture trip details.

Interval Selector

We use an expression selector with method="boolean" to detect when device is outside of all geofences:

    "type": "expression",
    "method": "boolean",
    "expression": "geofence() == null",
    "merge_unknown": true,
    "merge_message_before": true,
    "merge_message_after": true

The selector configuration explained:

  • expression="geofence() == null" - evaluates to true when device is outside of all assigned geofences

  • method="boolean" - creates interval while expression evaluates to true

  • merge_unknown=true - prevents points without coordinates from breaking current interval

  • merge_message_before=true - includes the last message inside source geofence

  • merge_message_after=true - includes the first message inside destination geofence

Interval Counters

We need several counters to capture trip details:

    "counters": [
            "type": "expression",
            "name": "from_geofence",
            "expression": "geofence()",
            "method": "first"
            "type": "expression",
            "name": "to_geofence",
            "expression": "geofence()",
            "method": "last"
            "type": "expression",
            "name": "distance",
            "expression": "mileage()",
            "method": "summary"
            "type": "route",
            "name": "route"

The counters configuration explained:

  • from_geofence - stores the name of geofence from which trip started

  • to_geofence - stores the name of geofence where trip ended

  • distance - calculates total trip distance

  • route - stores the trip route in encoded format


  1. Create a calculator with the configuration above

  2. Create geofences and assign them to the calculator or devices

  3. Assign devices to the calculator

The calculator will automatically generate intervals for trips between geofences.

Each interval will contain:

  • begin - when device left the source geofence

  • end - when device entered the destination geofence

  • duration - total trip time

  • from_geofence - name of source geofence

  • to_geofence - name of destination geofence

  • distance - trip distance in kilometers

  • route - encoded route points

You can access intervals via REST API or subscribe to MQTT topics to receive real-time notifications about trips.

For example, to receive real-time notifications about trips subscribe to:


The interval message will look like:

    "begin": 1621234567,
    "end": 1621234789,
    "duration": 222,
    "from_geofence": "office",
    "to_geofence": "warehouse",
    "distance": 12.5,
    "route": "_p~iF~ps|U_ulLnnqC_mqNvxq`@"

See also
How to configure a calculator to detect when a device enters or exits any geofence.