In flespi, we receive BLE data in ‘ble.beacons’ parameters presented as a JSON array, with each beacon's data inside. However, to effectively use this data in flespi analytics and some platforms like Wialon, each BLE sensor should be presented as a separate parameter in the message with a fixed name determined by BLE ID, no matter what index in the beacons array it occupies.
So, we prepared a pvm-code plugin template that can be used to store each attribute of BLE objects inside an array into a standalone message parameter. To simplify data usage, this script also converts long BLE beacon IDs into shorter hashes when formatting the flat parameter name.
Original message:
"ble.beacons": [
"id": "00026DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E:0000:0000",
"rssi": -60,
"temperature.sensor": 55,
"humidity.sensor": 40
"id": "100026DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E:0000:0000",
"rssi": -62,
"temperature.sensor": 59,
"humidity.sensor": 45
Here’s the result of the flespi device message with the parameters carefully parsed and injected:
"ble.beacons.humidity.sensor.587557D7": 40,
"ble.beacons.humidity.sensor.EDB4C4C8": 45,
"": "00026DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E:0000:0000",
"": "100026DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E:0000:0000",
"ble.beacons.len": 2,
"ble.beacons.rssi.587557D7": -60,
"ble.beacons.rssi.EDB4C4C8": -62,
"ble.beacons.temperature.sensor.587557D7": 55,
"ble.beacons.temperature.sensor.EDB4C4C8": 59,
"timestamp": 1711612930.834509
The main block of PVM code, applicable to most situations, operates as follows: the code searches for a property named ‘ble.beacons’, then enters each object within a loop and iterates through all the properties it contains, registering a parameter of the form: #ble.beacons.’parameter_name’.’hash’. After that, it removes the 'ble. beacons' property, which contains an array with BLE data.
Please note: the hash calculation for the tag ID is used to identify the tag parameters because the clean ID
id: "100026DA6-4FA2-4E98-8024-BC5B71E0893E:0000:0000",
which the label sends, is too long and not suitable for adding to the parameter name. Therefore, a hash is used to create a small unique number for a group of parameters.
// Check if '.ble.beacons' property exists
optional .ble.beacons ==> array:
// Count number of objects in the array
array_length ==> #ble.beacons.len
// Iterate each object in the array
repeat[array_length, counter=$i, from=0]:
// Process each object in the array
[$i] ==> object:
// Take the tag ID and make a hash from it that will be used as part of the parameter name.
.id ==> hash[32] ==> $hash32
// Iterate all keys in the current object
// Log key value to the parameter with formated name
{$key} ==> #param["ble.beacons.%s.%X", $key, $hash32]
// Remove initial ble.beacons array from the final message
unset .ble.beacons
If the configuration tool of the tag allows you to add a name, you can use it.
// Take the tag name that will be used as part of the parameter name.
.name ==> $name
// Iterate all keys in the current object
// Log key value to the parameter with formated name
{$key} ==> #param["ble.beacons.%s.%s", $key, $name]
To filter the data that will be written to parameters, you can use the following condition:
if $key == "temperature.sensor": // comparing the key (parameter name) and the desired text
{$key} ==> #param["ble.beacons.%s.%X", $key, $hash32] // Log only that parameter
Or you can use several conditions at once, altering the format name of a specific parameter.
if $key == "temperature.sensor" || $key == "humidity.sensor": // Сomparing the key (parameter name) and the desired text
{$key} ==> #param["ble.beacons.%s.%X", $key, $hash32] // Log the parameter
elif $key == "rssi": // One more comparison
{$key} ==> #param["ble.beacons.signal.strength.%X", $hash32] // ...
Done. By the way, here is the article on how to add BLE tag coordinates into device messages along with some real-life use cases for indoor monitoring.
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