19 August, 2024

Powered by flespi: SignatiGPS

Any devices, any industry: from vehicle tracking to aviation monitoring.

SignatiGPS specializes in advanced GPS vehicle monitoring systems. Based in Poland, the company is dedicated to providing reliable and efficient tracking solutions for a diverse range of industries, including logistics and transportation, emergency services, personal vehicles, and general aviation airplanes. 

Their innovative approach and commitment to customer satisfaction have enabled them to establish a strong presence in the market as SignatiGPS works with individuals as well as large fleets of vehicles. Their technology ensures real-time tracking, data analysis, and seamless integration with various third-party platforms, making them a great partner for robust and scalable GPS monitoring solutions.


The company was looking for a platform that would simplify the integration of various hardware providers. It should be reliable, responsive, and facilitate further device integrations.

As the number of trackers grew, SignatiGPS database expanded, and holding it on an internal server became risky. Storing it in flespi, with secure servers and datacenters distributed around the world, provided a much safer solution. The platform's robust data security and compliance with security standards were also critical.

The company's business goals included expanding service scalability to meet increasing customer demand. High reliability and rapid response times were essential, along with secure data management. Another goal was to deliver seamless and reliable fleet monitoring solutions while being able to quickly integrate new devices for custom projects, such as forklifts or aircraft monitoring. This required a platform that could grow alongside the company and support the diverse needs of their clients.


The key aspect was to separate the data layer from the application layer, allowing the team to focus on application development without worrying about the RAW data.

Access to data via the standardized JSON format allowed to easily use devices from different suppliers in the same project and choose those that best fit—something that was not possible before. This provided independence from manufacturers. 

Where live data is needed, the company uses the MQTT protocol, which works flawlessly. The team also greatly appreciates the extensive GUI interface, which allows quick problem-solving thanks to the graphical interpretation of data.

One of the greatest benefits is the integration of advanced data from the vehicle's CAN bus. Support for dashboard controls, fuel level, coolant temperature, and DTC errors is very valuable for customers. 

With the expansion of monitoring general aviation airplanes, a system was required that easily integrates with new solutions, such as 3D maps. Thanks to flespi webhooks and plugins, external APIs can be used to gather specific data and add it to what comes from trackers.

However, what sets flespi apart from other companies is the fast and efficient support. At the beginning of the implementation, the team had many questions that were patiently answered, and the necessary help was provided. The company also managed to convince the flespi team to modify the operation of the Telemetry module so that it stores the latest data, not just the last one.

The technical dialogue and collaborative approach to working out necessary corrections and improvements are highly valued. Another element appreciated is the Analytics module, which provides access to aggregated data and reports without the need to download and process large amounts of data. Recently, SignatiGPS started implementing flespi geofence support and integrating video telematics, which will be a valuable addition to their functionality.


"The flespi conference, in which we participated as the only company from Poland, allowed us to meet the flespi team in person, with whom we had previously only had e-mail contact. It was also great to see industry leaders from around the world and talk about common challenges and the future of the telemetry market.

We are also pleased with the almost family-like atmosphere of cooperation, without corporate pomposity. Now we’re 100% sure that investing our time in integration with flespi was a successful choice. The platform’s flexibility, comprehensive feature set, and excellent support have significantly enhanced the SignatiGPS tracking solution. I’m impressed with the reliability and ease of integration that flespi offers, and it has played a crucial role in our business growth." Piotr Fuz / CEO at SignatiGPS