Telematics hub

Connect IoT and telematics devices from multiple manufacturers to fleet management, IoT, or BI platforms. Integrate with ERPs, third-party platforms, and cloud IoT hubs. Run real-time analytics over your telemetry data. Power own telematics developments and custom software solutions.

Check telematics hub changelog to track its development progress.

Join in to start connecting IoT and telematics hardware with flespi

Stay flexible with multi-protocol support

We can’t boast hundreds of supported protocols like some fleet management platforms do. We prioritize the order of protocols integration and grade the level of protocol support by demand. Check the protocols we are currently supporting.

Have data at your fingertips with a lightning-fast telematics database

Once your messages flow into flespi, the platform transforms them into the unified JSON format and saves in the database. We designed the database engine to store telematics data most efficiently and spit it back instantly.

Stream data to multiple platforms simultaneously

If you want several platforms (BI, ERP, fleet management, etc.) to consume data from your IoT and telematics devices for further use, fork the dataflow across multiple streams and customize the configuration for each destination.

Access your data from various platforms via rich APIs

Comprehensive REST API empowers you to manage all components and data transfers inside flespi from a third-party app. MQTT API offers fast and secure access to device messages, telemetry, logs, connection info, etc.

Configure and run automated data analyses

Let flespi post-process your telematics data, extract intervals based on your custom algorithms and calculate each message inside interval accordingly.

Keep calm with 99.9% platform availability

We care about your business and guarantee the “three nines” platform uptime. Even though flespi updates a few times a day to give you the freshest features and superior performance, we would never compromise the credibility of your venture.

Layers of interaction with flespi

  1. Gateway level — protocol-specific channels gettings data from your IoT and telematics devices into flespi.

  2. Registry level — virtual devices with dedicated long-term message storage, access to telemetry, and remote management capabilities.

  3. Analytics level — real-time calculation of user-defined metrics for business-specific insights.

Three ways to access messages

  • REST API — pull-based; request any information from the flespi platform. Check the docs here.

  • MQTT API — push-based; subscribe to certain events and get updated on any changes immediately. More info here.

  • Streams — push-based; forward data from flespi to specific 3rd-party platforms and applications. Check the available streams here.

Join in to start connecting IoT and telematics hardware with flespi
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